Two Latin Plainchant
Adoro Te Devote
◊ Intermède
en Canon & Méditation Canonique
Divinum Mysterium ◊
Préambule & Prélude Canonique
Complimentary Score available in
Intermède en canon
Adoro Te Devote
exploits the measured qualities of the plainchant tune with a canonic
presentation of the entire melody between two voices, the upper voice in
actual note values and the lower one in augmentation (i.e., in note values
that are moving at half the speed of those in the upper voice). Following a
rhapsodically developmental and modulatory episode, the plainchant reappears
in the tenor, accompanied in treble registers by rocking triads and
pedal-points. After a brief retransition to the original key, a variant of
the opening canonic treatment returns, this time between the left hand and
pedal, with the addition of a sonorous chordal accompaniment in the right
hand. For the last phrase, the texture thins out, leading to a tranquil
Méditation canonique
Adoro Te Devote
sets a modern plainchant melody that was first published in the Paris
of 1697. It is one of a later genre of chants from France characterized by a
measured sense of rhythm, even though unmetered; it also makes use of the
Ionian mode, equivalent of a modern major scale, instead of one of the
traditional church modes.
exaggerates the metric qualities of the tune with its canonic imitation of
chant phrases over a steady syncopated
two-voice pedal line.
After a brief and contrasting
episodic interpolation, the hymn tune returns to its original key for a
complete solo statement alternated between soprano and tenor voices.
Divinum Mysterium
presents the planchant tune of a
Sanctus Trope dating from the 11th century that appeared in
Piae Cantione Ecclesiasticae et Scholasticae,
published in 1582 by Theodoricis Petri of Finland. In the middle of the 19th
century, the tune was adapted by Thomas Helmore as a setting of the now
familiar text, “Of the Father’s love begotten.”
presents one complete statement of the melody, phrase by phrase. Starting in
the soprano, the tune is harmonized in the left hand over an extended tonic
pedalpoint; at midpoint, the melody migrates to the tenor voice for two
phrases, returning to the soprano for an appearance of the final hymn phrase
and its brief cadential extension.
Divinum Mysterium
provides a quasi-canonic treatment of the plainchant melody
pre-sented between soprano and alto voices in the right hand, and accompanied by two-voice
points of imitation
in the left hand. The free canon appears at unfixed tonal and temporal
The flowing textures and rich harmonies continue to the end, with only
occasional use of the organ pedal for sustained